Property Tax Appeals Made Easy

TaxBack customers save an average of $1,000 on successful appeals. Calculate your savings with worry-free simplicity.
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How It Works

How long does it take to submit my appeal?

It takes under two minutes!

What do I need to appeal?

It's really simple! Provide your full name, address, relationship to the property, and your consent to file the appeal on your behalf. We take it from there!

How much does it cost?

If your appeal results in your property getting a tax reduction, then you'll pay 30% of your total savings.

Frequently Asked Questions

On average, appeals results take 30 days once your township deadline has closed. In Cook County, property tax appeals are submitted the year before they are billed, so your savings are reflected on the following year’s tax bill. You’ll be able to track the status of your appeal every step of the way, and we’ll send you regular updates.

Up to 80% of the appeals submitted correctly are granted by the county. Even if the appeal is not accepted, there is no risk, your property taxes will not change.

The process of filing a property tax appeal on your own can be intimidating. In order to submit an appeal you would have to submit evidence to support their appeal, navigate a rapidly-changing real estate market to identify comparable properties, possess extensive knowledge of county and municipal property tax laws, utilize complex assessment formulas; and deal with shifting tax rates. TaxBack provides everything you’ll need to overcome these challenges and save on your property taxes. We’ll generate your appeal, provide evidence to support your case, and allow you to sign electronically.

TaxBack will submit your appeal and provide you with comparable property evidence for free. If and ONLY if your appeal results in your getting a property tax reduction, you pay TaxBack only 30% of your savings. So for example, if we save you $1000 this tax year, our fee is 30% of the total savings, or in this case $300 for that tax year. That’s $1000 you would have otherwise lost in property taxes!

Once you hit the submit button, your appeal is on its way. There is no way to stop the appeal while it is being processed, so please ensure ALL information is correct.

Savings Near You

We found these properties near you. See how much they saved by appealing their property taxes through TaxBack.

$4,439 Per year
  • Chicago, IL, 60618, US
$18,914 Per year
  • Winnetka, IL, 60093, US
$1,703 Per year
  • Dolton, IL, 60419, US

TaxBack Testimonials

We have a track record of saving thousands of dollars on homes near you, here is what some of our clients have to say about the process.
“While my neighbors property taxes were going up, TaxBack lowered my property taxes to the lowest it's been in 30 years!”
~A.H., South Barrington, IL

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